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Find Your Fit

The ministries at Austin Powerhouse Church include everything from teaching children about God's goodness to serving in God's house. As different as they are, each of our ministries has a spiritual purpose, whether it’s spiritual growth, recovery and renewal, reaching people with the gospel, or connecting with God through worship.


If you’re a visitor to our site or one of our campuses, we encourage you to explore our ministries, ask questions, and try the things that may be beneficial to you. If you’re already involved at Austin Powerhouse Church, find a place to serve in ministry and experience the joy of contributing to His kingdom.


Prayer Team

The APH Prayer Team is ready to pray with you!

Praise & Worship

Building a life-giving community of singers & musicians!

APH Tots

APH Tots is for

Nursery 0-2 yrs.

Pre-K 3-5 yrs.


Audio, visual, lighting and other technology to enhance the worship experience!

Super Church

Super Church is for

1st - 5th grade

APH Youth

L.I.T. Leaders In Training

6th grade - 12th grade

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